This magnificent flower brooch was made from the finest materials.
Perfectly handcrafted are six petals formed around two large diamonds. The inside of the petals is set with other, smaller diamonds. They are set in silver, as was customary in the 19th century, so as not to distort their color. On the outside there is an area set with sapphires. The combination of dark blue and the white of the diamonds is noble and beautiful, reminiscent of a night sky and at the same time corresponds to the waiting nature imitation of the flower.
The two diamonds in the old brilliant cut of half a carat each were already cut in the late 19th century and were probably used again in this piece of jewelry. The petals were then forged from gold in the years around 1950 and set with diamonds and sapphires.
They are handcrafted and each individually shaped.
As much as the individual petals follow the natural model, the overall shape of the flower is fantastic, almost supernatural, in its doubling of the diamond in the center. Here the goldsmith has broken away from imitating nature to create an object of even greater brilliance and beauty.
Details :
Gemstone: 2x Old Brilliant-cut Diamond
Carat Total Weight: 1ct.
Color Grade: H
Clarity Grade:SI
Gemstone: 91x Modern Brilliant-cut Diamond
Carat Total Weight: 1.10ct.
Color Grade: G/H
Clarity Grade: VS-SI
Gemstone: 86x Sapphire
Carat Total Weight: 3.50ct.
Metal Type : Gold 750
Measurements: 3.2 x 4.0 cm
Weight: 19.9g
With Certificate.
All measurements were done in the mounting as allowed by an independent, GIA-trained gemologist and are approximate when noted.
Some of our items are accompanied by a lab report, but not all. It will be clearly stated if there is a report with a particular item. We do not go out of our way to remove diamonds from their settings to obtain GIA reports unless we feel it is absolutely necessary as we like to maintain the original quality of our pieces. We guarantee our grading and grade our diamonds according to GIA standards. All our diamond grading is done by GIA graduate gemologists and at least two gemologists look at each piece.
Please follow us on instagram for more: gemma_amans
CHF 5 100.00
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